What CORE VALUES Are Not--
Core values are NOT something you wear like a coat. They are not put on when publicly
shown and taken off in private. They are not put on for political purposes, only to be
taken off again when that political point is over. Core values are…the person. If they are
put on and taken off at will then they are false, and that individual’s integrity is
essentially non-existent.
If you doubt the previous statement, then ask yourself the following question: If
everything I do for money or perceived power were to suddenly have no monetary value
or income, what would I still be about? If you answered honestly, you would see that
your core values are all that would remain.
Take a look at what the U.S. Air Force Core Values statement says. It states quite clearly,
"Our Core Values, Integrity first, Service before self and Excellence in all we do, set the
common standard for conduct across the Air Force. These values inspire the trust which
provides the unbreakable bond that unifies the force. We must practice them ourselves
and expect no less from those with whom we serve." Your TRUE Integrity Is What You Do When No One Is Watching!~
Your integrity is what you automatically do in any given situation that is the "right" thing to do based upon empathy and compassion; a love that comes only from our Heavenly Father, maturing in our lives. There is never a "decision" to be made balancing right from wrong because your core being automatically does right as it is in right standing to the Kingdom, the core values of The Eternal Laws of Heaven. If you have never made the decision Biblical standards are your standards, your integrity, your right doing, will be as a shipped tossed about in a violent sea. Which ever way the "worldly moral compass", the worldly standard is pointing, that will be your "integrity" in that moment. Psalm 119:113, I hate the double-minded, but I love Your law. (All of Psalm 129)